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About Matt

“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor” – English proverb

It’s cliché, but I believe in those words.

I am a do-whatever-it-takes digital marketer that enjoys building relationships, organizing chaos, and driving results. I find satisfaction in team environments, stay cool under pressure, and actively seek ways to better myself.

My background is rooted in SEO and search marketing with additional experience in website production, paid search advertising, project management, analytics, and overall digital planning.

I received my Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Miami University in Oxford, OH, where I began to develop my affinity for online marketing. In my final year at Miami, I was selected to participate in Highwire Brand Studio, a selective course that brought together marketing, graphic design, and interactive media students. While creating a revamped social media strategy for a major brand, I developed an immediate interest in the digital marketing space, from web design and brand messaging to search engines and analytics. I quickly realized the need for online marketing strategies in business, driving me to seek professional opportunities upon graduation.

Since 2011, I’ve dug deep into the world of digital marketing and hope to use this website to learn, share, and grow my knowledge in this space.

Personal Life

When I shut my computer down, I’m a musician, wannabe pro golfer, a die-hard Cleveland sports fan, and nothing brings me more satisfaction than making people laugh.

I’m a twin, an uncle and Godfather, a proud kidney donor, and, apparently, Brad Paisley’s doppleganger.

Want to get in touch? You can always contact me here.

Note: This is my personal website. Thoughts and opinions expressed here are mine and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer, its clients or affiliates. 

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